Sunday, September 22, 2019


So life has gotten busy and I have not been successful at making my blog a priority this year. Oh well, I can try again later right? I have been reflecting on life a lot lately and over this past year God has been changing my heart and my desires for my life. As I reflect on life in general and the journey it has taken me on, I realize this is all part of God's grand plan for my life.

  Over the past few years Paul and I have been in a long, long season of transition. It seems never-ending really. As I look a few years back to 2015 I think it when the transition period really began. Our girl was starting Kindergarten that fall and to make public school work without daycare I went from day shift to night shift and decided it was the right time to go back to school to get my Bachelors in Nursing. So that is what I did, what we did. And I have to say it was not by any means easy. During that same time we renovated our kitchen. Flash forward to a year later and I had surgery and then later in the year work felt unstable and I started a home based business. So in the first of 2017 I found a second job which I promptly quit after a few months and went back to day shift. Then in the fall I started yet another second job, our girl changed schools, and we did a major renovation to our home that year. Then in 2018 I left my job as an OB nurse to go to a Monday through Friday job as a community health nurse. This year has continued the transition with Paul changing jobs and needing me to do more with our girl and her school. On top of all of these changes have come family health scares, problems, and moves.

All of that is just a brief overview of life in general. I have also continuously been seeking how God wants me to serve Him in a greater way. My current job allows me to earn income and serve, but He continues to call me to more. Now I don't want to get into all of those details today, but I do want to invite you to a few revelations I have had recently. God placed all of those changes over the past few years, from job changes to school changes to financial changes all for a purpose. It seemed difficult at the time, but I have learned that despite the difficulties He has a greater plan. If I didn't have the Monday through Friday job with leave then I would not be able to be off when my girl needs me, or be there for family doctor appointments and care for family. I would not know how to navigate some of the things my family is currently experiencing. I would not be able to take my girl to all of her activities and participate in evening activities myself. Has this transition period been tough? Definitely! But God has had his hand in each and every moment of it, looking back I see that and I see why. There are still many transitions to come in my future and my family's future, but we can and will endure it, because God ordained it.

Life is hard and unfortunately God didn't promise it would be easy. The Bible says "In this world you will have trouble, but take heart! I have overcome the world" John 16:33  If we reflect on this passage and keep our hope in him we will have peace. God gives us peace through the power of the Holy Spirit living within us. Phillipians 4:7 states "And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds through Christ Jesus."  This verse tells us we are not alone and if we ask it will be given! I pray for peace for myself and my family can too! God can give you the peace you seek no matter your circumstances...all you have to do is ask and trust in Him!

Until next time, keep praying, keep asking, and keep trusting! More to come on what God has for my life soon!

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