So since last month a lot has happened! It is amazing how much goes on in one month! I think we get so caught up in our daily lives and doing things that we don't realize how busy we are and that life is passing us by.
So we will start with somewhere close to where I left off in regards to daily life that is. I have/had been praying a lot about money and where God has us going and to provide a way for us to achieve our dreams. This includes our adoption, addition for the house, a beach house, and providing a way to care for orphans in Africa with missions trips one day. All of this is one day.....the most imminent is our adoption of one and eventually if not sooner a second child also. And to have three kids in this house....well lets just say we need some more room. So as I was and continue to pray about this I had a friend contact me about starting my own business. Yes it is selling stuff, but it is natural stuff that I truly believe in and support. Mind you and she will tell you I was extremely hesitant with this. However, after hosting a party and seeing the possibilities and a possible answer to prayer, I signed up. So you are probably wondering what I signed up for.....well it is called Arbonne. Their products are all pure, safe, and beneficial. Also know as organic and I truly love the products I have so far! And the other big change is that we added to our family! Yes, I am crazy! We got another dog, she was registered at the human society as an american bulldog, but I think she is mixed with a pittbull. She is 15 months old and she is crazy! We love her and enjoy her. She is learning manners though. Her name is Reese and Belle absolutely loves her! So that summarizes July.
So far in August, we went on a weekend vacation to Chincoteague which we love! We had a good time but it was way too short! And I have been working of course and started trying to launch my business with Arbonne by having spa parties and such. And the one thing I did last weekend, is I went to my first ever Jimmy Buffett concert!! I had a blast!! And yes I am a parrothead! It was so awesome, I have always wanted to see him in concert and now I have! And I hope to again!! The other thing going on this month, is Belle is starting school! We had preschool orientation yesterday, and this kid cannot wait to go to school! Granted she has been going there with my mom to set stuff up for school but she can't wait to go. It is bittersweet for me of course. But I am excited for her too and so be honest excited to have a few hours to myself. I plan to try to workout while she is in school or go grocery shopping, things like that. Stay busy, then hear about her day and spend time with her.
So that is all for now as far as updates on life. Update on spiritual life gets a whole lot deeper! So I have been trying to keep up on my prayer life more diligently, and seeking joy and peace through devotion and prayer. And through Women of Faith conference, I have learned that to help with my anxiety I need to pray for peace and relax. I literally felt like God touched my hands when I was worshiping at the conference, it was an amazing experience. I needed to remind myself of that today. And I am also discovering joy and true joy not just happiness. Happiness fades, joy does not. When I let the joy fade, I let satan win, and honestly that is what I did today. So satan can go back to hell now that I discovered I let him win today! And the other thing that I have felt is that I am to trust God completely. The Bible tells us to have the faith of a mustard seed and that God can and will move mountains. And how often do we say I believe but we don't actually expect any result or answer?? A lot!! So God is calling me to have faith that we will receive a referral for Addie or both of our kids around Christmas like I felt He told me months ago. So here I am taking that leap of faith and trusting He will and can make it happen!!
Trust in the Lord with all your heart!
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