Anyway, the conversations started with death and some people being afraid of death. Now when this came up I thought about it for a good few minutes and when I think about death and dying, I am not afraid. I am not afraid and will not fight it because I know where I am going, so if I know where I am going what is there to fear. When I die I will meet my Savior and spend eternity with Him, walking, talking, and praising Him. What better thought! Do not misunderstand me though....I do not wish for death, because I do have a husband and daughter. I do not want to leave them behind, and I do not feel like God is finished with me yet. However when He is finished with what He has planned for me here on earth, I will accept it and be ready. Even if death comes before I expect (being an old lady), I will accept it and let it go. I have peace about it because I know that He will take care of my family. I already dedicated my daughter as His, so I trust Him to keep her safe.
So then this conversation went somewhere assisted death or "doctor assisted suicide". There was a young woman last year who moved to Oregon so she could have an assisted suicide because she was terminally ill and did not want to suffer. My thoughts on this are as follows: suicide is suicide, no difference if you take a gun to your head because you are depressed or you take some pills to doctor gave you because you will die from cancer. In my beliefs this is wrong, the Bible states in the Ten Commandments "Thou Shalt Not Kill". It does not say do not kill others, it says do not kill. Which means anyone including yourself. Now in regards as to what happens to those who choose to kill themselves. I do not know what happens and where they go. I am not God and be thankful for that! I have compassion for those who choose this form of death. The Bible tells us that we have compassionate God. He does not want anyone to go to Hell, He loves each and everyone of us. I believe that those who are saved, even of they choose suicide go to Heaven. I believe this because God is compassionate. As to those who choose to end their life early because they do not want to suffer, I can in a sense understand that. We euthanize our pets so they do not suffer, but at the same time...they are not human. Yes all life is precious but when God wrote the laws I believe he meant human life. I have thought if I, my husband, or my child had terminal cancer and would eventually die or have some other terminal illness, we would not choose assisted suicide. The reason being God should be the only one to say "today is the day we meet". It is not my choice or anyone else's.
The society we live in, is everything should be your choice. You can choose to work or not, how many kids you have, what gender child you have, what gender you prefer sexually, when you live and when you die. Our society does not see the consequences of this dangerous and slippery slope we are headed down. God did not intend for us to choose whether to abort the child He blessed us with, or to choose that we would rather marry the same sex, or the day we should die. Now...has the world always been this way?? In some ways yes, Sodom and Gomorrah chose to do the same things our society and culture have accepted as normal. Well it is not normal or God intended at all. I know this because all of these things are based on sin. Yes sin. We all sin, I sin and probably at some point everyday. But I still have peace that God loves me right where I am and will never leave me. And I try to live by Him and His guidelines for life. He gives guidelines so we will be fruitful and joyful. No life will not always be a bed of roses even following God, but He will be right there with you to carry you through it, whatever it may be.
God loves each and every one of us right where we are. Whether you have been saved since age three or you are the druggie passed out on the side of the road about to overdose. God loves us even though we have and will continue to sin. Even pastors and church leaders sin, because we are all human. And through all of it God loves us. God loves the woman at the abortion clinic, he loves the bad biker, he loves the murderer in jail. And each one of us has the opportunity to accept God's love. We accept God's love when we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior and invite Him to be a part of our lives. I made this choice at age nine, my daughter made it a few years ago, and my husband made it at a young age as well. We are not perfect and never will be, but we pray and have a relationship with God. We turn to Him for peace, comfort, guidance, and relationship and you can too. Accept His love and grace and you will be set free from the chains of this world I guarantee it.
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