So I am seeing all over Facebook that some people are going to have the year of their lives and some are just glad to see 2014 go.....this last one makes me so sad! I cannot say I haven't been there before and felt like I needed a new year to "start fresh" but I sincerely hope that people aren't meaning that they regret the last year. I would have to say the hardest year in my life so far was sadly the year my daughter was born 2010. Do NOT get me wrong.....I love her to death, would do anything for her, and I enjoyed her as much as I could that year.....but it was hard. That year started out with having snow storm after snow storm and me being a nurse.....I am required to drive in the snow no matter what.....then while pregnant I ended up on bedrest because I went into A-fib....things were not too bad.....then I had my girl and was elated and joyful.....5 weeks later my dad passed away....which sent me into the most anxious and depressed I ever felt add to that the post-pregnancy hormones and going back to work all at once....I couldn't handle it. But that being said every moment of that year I do not regret....because that year shaped me into who I am right now. So my hope and prayer for those that did not have a great 2014 is that they do not regret it, because on the bright side....they are still living life and able to live life, most of them with people that they love. Live life to the fullest, it is a gift from God Himself! He loves us so much and I am sure it makes Him sad that people cannot wait for a "new year". How about instead of living for the "new year", live for the "new day". Each day is and can be a fresh start if you let it!
This brings me to the next point in regards to "the best year of my life" phrase. Okay, so I understand you know some of what will most likely occur in your new year.....we are looking forward to traveling to Florida for some time and going on a couple camping trips as a family. And last but not least getting out of debt. But I do not know if it will be a life changing "best year" one actually knows that. And saying this I kind of feel like I am bursting bubbles, but why do we put so much emphasis on having a great new year??? We truly do not know....anything can happen. And maybe it is because of my life experiences that have made me look at it this way. Yes good things will happen, but don't count on it being your best year....count on a good year, and focus on the good. Not the bad or what could have been better, but all the good in your life. Every year no matter what is a good are alive and able to live your life to the fullest!! Make every day a good day and enjoy something in that day even if most of it is not great. I need to take my own advise on that one!
Last but not not make resolutions....the definition of resolution is an answer or solution to something....meaning you have a problem in your life. Yeah we all have things we could change and maybe need to, but you and your life are not problems to solve. So I inspire you to make goals instead of resolutions. My goals are to exercise again (once given clearance from the dr), begin my journey to getting my bachelors (hopefully scholarship sponsored), and focus on better and healthier eating for my family and I. Another goal I have is to start running again without injuring myself, and I cannot wait to ride my bike with my family again! I just look forward to being able to do the things I enjoy without pain and able to run, play, and chase my daughter once again. Goals can be big or matter what they are just make them achievable! Don't set the bar too high!
So in review my 2014 was good......though I had a lot of pain associated with was good. We added another dog to our family, my daughter is in pre-k and excelling especially at reading, Paul's work is going well, we had a wonderful beach vacation, we attended a few weddings, Paul's grandpa joined Christ in heaven, began our debt free journey, and I had surgery to fix my hip. Now I may be missing some things but those are the highlights....not all great things but it was still a good year.
In conclusion, the things I look forward to like I said are playing with my daughter and not being limited by pain. We will be going to Disney for the first time in my life even for only a day, and going beach and mountain camping. I look forward to watching my girl grow even more and excel in school, becoming debt free, and checking off another year of our Ethiopia adoption wait. I plan on trying to enjoy everyday for what it is and look forward to living in the moment. I hope everyone else tries to do the same.
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