Thursday, September 6, 2012

Interesting day

So today I was supposed to work. I even went in but was sent home. The reason you ask? Well when I woke up this morning my right eye was extremely swollen and my eye was really red. No drainage at least not much. So I did my normal saline I. It and went about going to work. I saw the employee health nurse practitioner and she said it may or may not be pink eye but gave me erythromycin ointment anyway and said I had to go home for health safety. So home I went and picked Belle up from daycare.

No the interesting part in having to be sent home is that yesterday I was working on trying to figure out where and when I could get my fingerprint redone for the FBI clearance we need for the adoption. The next county over the sheriffs office does them but only Tuesday and thursday 4-630pm. And I work those days. So ironically God let me get pink eye so I could use today to get my fingerprints done! How weird! But good for our adoption. Paul is also getting his employment letter tomorrow and our physical forms are in the mail! So stuff is moving!!

The other thing that happened today was Lucy found a bunny nest in Belle's play area. Unfortunately she injured two of them by trying to play with them. The one will most definitely die , the other one can still move and stuff. I had put them in a box for protection but was told to put them back. So I did. When Paul got home he found another one that Lucy didn't get to. They are tiny though. About 2 inches long. I am hoping that the mother bunny will come back and move them If not we will have to figure out what to do with them and who to give them to. The one I am sure will be okay if she comes back and the one may be but if she doesn't come back, they won't survive without milk. So I am really not sure.

Anyway that's my interesting day!

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